Fans for Materials Handling
Material handling fans are required where solid and bulky materials need to be handled or conveyed. Sometimes, for products that are moved within potentially explosive environments, an ATEX material handling fan is required due to the combustible nature of the solids. The combustibility, the weight and the thickness of the individual fibres will dictate the type of ATEX or material handling fan most suitable for the application.
Our paddle blade centrifugal fans are an ideal solution for the handling or conveying of bulk powders and other materials. For example, the high velocity air produced can easily carry flour, sawdust, grain and a variety of other materials efficiently and effectively.
At ACI, we have been building industrial material handling fans for many years with increasing proficiency and durability. Based on the material needed to be moved and its density, as well as any other external factors, ACI can provide the perfect solution for your conveying needs. We also offer a number of options to meet your system requirements whether you need abrasion resistant material or stainless steel with special finishes which will require a more careful selection of fan type. An explosion-proof construction may be necessary if handling materials such as wood dust and flour.
For further information about the type of fan that you might require please contact a member of our technical sales team to discuss your project requirements.